DEARBORN, Michigan – Incumbent for 15th House District in the Michigan House of Representatives, George Darany announced that he was recently honored to receive the endorsement from the Dearborn Area Board of Realtors (DABOR).
DABOR stated that after completing an extensive interview process, the answers that Darany provided combined with his reputation as a staunch advocate for private property owners’ rights, also earned him the support of the Michigan Association of Realtors in his upcoming bid for the State House.
In April, Darany announced his intentions to run for re-election as state representative, stating that he wants to continue his fight on behalf of the Dearborn community in the Michigan Legislature.
Darany’s experience in the Michigan House of Representatives and his proven leadership ability and commitment to the City of Dearborn has also earned him the endorsement of the County Road Association of Michigan, the Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Michigan Township Association.
“It has been an honor to receive the support of so many of my colleagues, neighbors, and friends since I announced my plans for re-election,” Darany said. “And I’m truly humbled to accept the endorsements of these other organizations whose work for the citizen’s of Michigan, I truly appreciate and respect. I am encouraged by their support and look forward to continuing my commitment to serve the people of the 15th House District and my hometown of Dearborn.”